Donna - Dave Madsay was a sinner and was not re-instated, this means he will spend eternity in Gehenna gnashing his teeth..yes he was a nice Jimmy Swagart was a nice Pastor and gave great talks before he fornicated with prostitutes....but he was a nice person, so that's okay. From one Aussie to another chill out and stop judging, you left the truth, so your not in Jehovah's Ark to be saved, and yet you want to judge everyone else? Take a good look at yourself. Hypocrites will not inherit God's kingdom. Associating on the net with Apostates is a disfellowshiping offense, so your double damned! This website is full of people like longer in the truth, so what! If your not happy....p#ss off Mate! Your not a true Christian anyway. Armagedon is waiting for you...then you will be together again with Dave, I promise you.
Peace and warm Christian love your Brother in the truth Witness 007. xoxoxox.